I decided to become a fertility coach primarily to help other couples achieve pregnancy in a natural way and for the woman to have a healthier pregnancy. I have always wished that I was more prepared health wise before I got pregnant. My husband and I struggled with infertility the first 10 years we were trying to start our family. I was blessed to meet a natural family planning teacher who taught me how to track my cycle and introduced me to an OBGYN adept with NAPRO technology who helped me get pregnant and maintain my pregnancy. Through the grace of God and these wonderful people who were instrumental in the success of my pregnancy. We now have a healthy 11-year-old daughter.
I want to be able to share that bounty with couples who are struggling like how I struggled. I was not in the best of health before and during my pregnancy. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I would like women to know that there is help out there. Sometimes it’s just knowing the right food to eat at the right time of a woman’s menstrual cycle, managing her stress level and having a harmonious relationship with your husband is all it takes to conceive. And of course, guidance from a fertility coach who will walk you through every step of the way. This won’t be a piece of cake. It’s going to be a challenge. However, you will not be alone. I will hold your hand if I have to (virtually) that is. We can do this together.
Here’s some of what I will teach on the 12-week hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E. program.
P-roper Nutrition, (nutrition for hormone imbalance and infertility)
U-nderstanding supplements, (gut health and the microbiome)
Z-apping stress, (stress and fertility)
Z-zzzz (sleep), relaxation, breathing techniques
L-ove/Encouragement, (mind, body connection)
E-xercise/environment and how to cycle sync for balanced hormones.
These also include: guide to healthy periods, meal timing, functional nutrition, fertility awareness education and much more.
I made a guide on 3 healthful exercises to help you on your journey for fertility health and awareness.