What is a Fertility Coach

What is a Fertility Coach



What does a Fertility coach do?

A fertility coach is a guide and support to start a couple’s fertility journey for setting them for the optimum success and best foundations for conceiving. How? By helping them get healthy and support them emotionally, physically, and spiritually, enhancing their reproductive health and fertility. 

A fertility coach will stand beside you as a partner for you as you navigate the best lifestyle changes, nutritional and healthful ways in trying to achieve pregnancy.

She is there for you as you learn the intricacies of your reproductive system.

Why seek and hire a fertility coach?

Having a fertility coach to help and assist couples in their biological health has been shown dramatically successful in improving a couple’s rate of pregnancy and lowering their feelings of anxiety and depression.


What else can a fertility coach do?

By teaching the woman how to track her menstrual cycle, she can pinpoint to you the fertile window and when and how often a couple should have intimate relations to optimize the chances of conception. And no, it’s not having relations every single day. 

A fertility coach can help improve your body’s natural fertility by introducing you to ways to improve your nutrition, educate you on how and when to exercise depending on the phase of your cycle, improving sleep quality, reducing toxins in your body and your environment.

Most importantly when you work with a fertility coach, not only the mother’s health is improved but her baby as well and this will follow into the baby’s adulthood, minimizing his chances of being obese and having unhealthy immune system. Wouldn’t you want your baby to be healthy in your womb as well as beyond birth and for him/her to develop healthy habits like you?


Here are other ways you can benefit from the support of a fertility coach:

  • As mentioned before, enhance pregnancy rate
  • Improve egg quality
  • Minimize miscarriage risk
  • Decrease PCOS symptoms
  • Improve sperm mobility
  • A source of emotional and spiritual support during your trying to conceive journey
  • And many more

Not all fertility coaches are created equal.

There are many types of fertility coaches out there and I encourage you to search the best one for you and one that you feel comfortable with.

Let’s face it. You can google all you want and DIY to your hearts content. Having a fertility coach to hold your hands and support you in this journey who has proven success in helping other couples to have that beautiful baby in your arms is soooo beneficial.


I am here for you every step of the way. How am I different? I provide spiritual support. I will pray and I am praying for you as we speak even though I haven’t met you. 

Romans 12:12 (NAB) says “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.”

The journey of infertility is difficult. I will walk alongside you to help you in this most difficult time.